GIS technologies in the analysis of wind energy development projects in the Precarpathian region

: pp. 79-90
Received: March 03, 2014
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Purpose. Among the investment projects related to economic development in the region, special attention is drawn to projects that involve a significant amount of land allocation, valuable because of their ecological status, high recreational resources and other circumstances. Exactly to these types of projects wind power development programs relate. The actual problem is the evaluation of the quality of wind parks design, taking into account the existing landscape and climatic conditions. Methods. To solve the abovementioned problem it is proposed to apply the methods of GIS modeling and analysis. An analysis of the literature describing the impact of wind power plants (WPP) on people and environment and the conditions of the so-called “industrial wind” necessary for their work shoul serve for rationale of the parameters of software tools. Results. The results of the study point to the possibility of effective, science-based application of GIS for analysis of projects of wind farms location. Presentation of spatial analysis in the form of maps clearly demonstrates all the strengths and weaknesses of project features. On the example of the wind park in Turka district of Lviv region it is shown the ability to detect problems in the spatial location of wind power plants (WPP). Scientific novelty. For the first time in terms of Geoinformatics it was analyzed the complex of requirements to spatial location of WPP in relation to the use of local climatic conditions, location of wind power plants with considering landscape elements and to compliance of hygiene recommendations concerning on the distance to the permanent stay of people. It was done the geoinformational research of the project of high power wind park in specific climatic and landscape conditions of the Precarpathians. The practical significance. Obtained results of the research can play an important role in presenting projects for both public and professionals to make investment decisions. Presented in the paper methods of analysis can be used for projects of regional and local wind power development programs.

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