Mathematical processing of results of double equally accurate measurements

: pp. 74-81
Received: December 03, 2014
State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”
Department of Geodesy, Lviv PolytechnicNational University, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”

Purpose. Run trial of criteria importance of systematic errors in the mathematical processing of results of measurements of double equally accurate and install the most efficient one. Thus, to determine how to calculate the probability of trust and develop a method of exclusion bias of the mean values of double equally accurate measurements. Methods of resolving the issues raised based on the comparative analysis formulas, experimental results of calculations, developing proposals and reports. Established that the literature significance tests are not the same bias. Results. Established theoretical value measurements based on the number of accepted of confidence as significance tests bias in double equally accurate dimensions match. The research quality and enable more accurate process results double equally accurate measurements. Scientific novelty. Improved selection criteria justify the importance of systematic error in the double equally accurate dimensions. The method of exclusion bias of the mean values of double equally accurate measurements and calculate the value of confidence. The practical significance of the work is to obtain more accurate results in mathematical processing of double equally accurate measurements, their evaluation of accuracy and more detailed investigation of these measurements through improved methods and formulas described in the literature. A selection criterion of significance bias in double equally accurate dimensions depending on the number of measurements and calculated confidence probability. In addition, the method is shown exclude systematic error of the mean values of double equally accurate measurements reduces the residual functional in those terms that are between the respective average values of these measurements.

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