The possible uses of RTN-solutions for markup works on construction

Department of Engineering Geodesy, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano- Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

The purpose of the research. Elaboration of practical recommendations concerning creation of a geodesic markup construction base with GNSS technologies, including Real Time Networks (RTN) methods. Methodology. To investigate the accuracy of the recommended solutions, different kinds of research were made, including a practical one. It was conducted on the construction site by marking the axis from two base lines, previously indicated by a GNSS receiver in such a way, so they coincided with the x and y axes of the general site’s plan. To minimize the sporadic errors and increase the accuracy of obtained results, the investigation was made on the inherent basis, which allows the forced centering of tools. The special aspect of this basis is that it is situated very close to the permanent station (10 km). This factor substantially compensates the systematic errors in the results of the relative measurements.  Results: Results of the study are: it was established that when setting the fixing baseline with the dual-frequency GNSS receiver in the way its pointed coincide with the main axes of construction netting and the following marking of all the elements of the construction site toward this baseline, the required accuracy is provided, e.g. mutual location of points of main, basic, and detailed axes, and in some cases fitting axes as well. Scientific novelty and practical significance. The research presupposes using only the main axes of the construction netting and extend the marking networks of the site and construction. This method allows refusing from building the basic construction netting, by replacing the supporting geodesic network with two base lines (at least 4 fix points), that fix the location of the coordinates’ axes of general site and controlling the axes marking by Total Positioning Station (TPS) method using the value measured by RTN for controlling the value of distances between the base lines points.

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