: 72-94
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Aim. Definition of loadings in elements of roller forming installations with different driving mechanisms taking into account rigidity and coefficient of dissipation of the transmission gear. Method. Roller forming installations with the recovery driving mechanism on two forming carts, energetically balanced driving mechanism on three forming carts and the balanced driving mechanism on four forming carts are chosen as an object of researches. For each of installations loadings in elements of their designs and the drive are calculated, dependences for definition of efforts in the connecting rods necessary for reduction in back and forth motion of forming carts, and normal reactions of guides of the movement of forming carts to the directing rollers depending on an angle of rotation of cranks are received. For a research of loadings in each of installations the two-mass dynamic model in which power and power characteristics of the driving engine and each of forming carts, rigidity of the driving mechanism and its dissipation are considered is used. Results. For each of installations function of change of necessary torque for ensuring process of consolidation of products of construction mixes taking into account dissipation of the driving mechanism is defined. Rated settlement power on which the electric motor is chosen is determined by average value of the moment of forces of resistance for a cycle of turn of cranks of each of installations, connecting couplings and a reducer are picked up. Using Lagrange's equation of the second sort, for roller forming installation with the recovery, energetically balanced and counterbalanced driving mechanisms, the presented two-mass dynamic model, the differential equations of the movement are worked out. Scientific novelty. As a result of a numerical experiment for each of installations the value of the rigidity of the driving mechanism given to an axis of rotation of cranks at which the minimum loadings in couplings of the driving mechanism are observed is defined. The dependence of the moment is installed in the drive coupling from dissipation coefficient size. Practical significance. The recommended dissipation coefficient size for each of driving mechanisms of roller forming installation is determined.

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