Electrical interaction of electron-proton tandem

: pp. 38-42
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Based on the adapted Coulomb's law for the case of moving masses, taking into account the finite velocity of electric field propagation, differential equations of the electromechanical state of the electron-proton tandem are obtained. The real states are simulated, as well as a number of unreal transition states of electron capture by a proton into its own orbit. Cont­rary to the prohibitions of quantum physics in the field of microworld, the mathematical concept of an electro­me­chanical black hole with a radius  m similar to that taking place in celestial mecha­nics has been introduced.

The transients indicating the collapse of the laws of electricity and mechanics at distances r(t) < rem  are simulated. A discussion has been started on this issue.

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