The study focuses on the ways to improve the operation efficiency of 6 kV and 10 kV distribution power networks on the example of the Horodok District Power Network, Lvivoblenergo PJSC (Ukraine). The main drawbacks of these power networks are the poor condition of the electrical equipment and great length and insufficient transmission capacity of the existing 6/10 kV power transmission lines. One of the most serious problems is the fact that the power networks are not prepared for an efficient operation, taking into account the predicted power consumption increase in this area in the near future. The study used a multifactor model, which enabled taking into consideration the power consumption tendencies in the area, industrial growth rate, personal income growth rate and implementation of energy efficiency measures. A computer simulation of steady-state operation modes for probable ways of power networks’ development, including their changeover to 20 kV, was applied. A quantitative characteristic of the technological indices for a set of typical modes was obtained, which made it possible to establish a comparative efficiency of changing over to 20 kV in relation to other options. This is due to the fact that such a change offers a number of specific advantages in terms of the structure and operation efficiency of the distribution power networks, for instance, an increased transmission capacity of the power lines and improved conditions of the normalization of the electrical power quality indices for the consumers.
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