
Axiological Dimension of the Concept of the Soul in Pamfil Yurkevych’s Philosophical Works (Research Article)

In the article, the author analyses Pamfil Yurkevych’s vision of the interaction between the heart and the reason as well as analyzes his axiosphere, which is absolutely necessary for the development of our country. The author argues that Pamfil Yurkevych is the founder of the axiosphere, which was in compliance with the European Continental Philosophy’s understanding of the being-with-other (Mit-Sein) and it remains also relevant nowadays.

Analysis of ideas of the good and the evil by Augustine the Blessed by Russian religious philosophers (the end of the 19th century - beginning of the 20th century)

Seeking to study in detail the problem of the good and the evil in the Russian religious philosophy, one can not avoid considering of patristic philosophy. Although the majority of Russian religious philosophy of the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century have “affection” attitude to Eastern Christianity, Western patristic attitude to Russian thinkers was not unambiguous. Speaking about the Russian heredity of the Eastern traditions of Christianity, it is worth noting that it takes from the latter commitment to integrity as a proper state of the world and the man.