
Assessment of qualifications of doctors as a tool for quality management of medical aid in Ukraine

The article analyzes the mechanism of certification of doctors. A comparative characterization of the legislative framework, which regulates the certification of doctors, was carried out. It was found that the certification, which in its essence should be an assessment of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the doctor, in practice is only the submission of documents confirming the obtained points of continuous professional development.

Independent educational auditor as an agent of public mechanism of quality assurance in higher education

Problem settings. The quality of education is the key to a successful state and its solid foundation. But the status of a quality assurance system in higher education in Ukraine does not hold water. Unprofessionalism, prejudice, mutual cover-up, pervasive secrecy, corruption are just a few examples of destructive phenomena that do not allow domestic higher education to compete even with the neighboring European countries.

Description of organization of building-repair works as objects of building-technical examination from determination of character of their implementation

A question is considered in relation to realization of research by an expert by a builder from determination of character of building-repair works. Legal frameworks are described in relation to determination of order of realization of building-repair works. The process of stowage of corresponding a project is an estimate documents is outlined for realization of building-repair works. The order of registration of agreements is certain for realization of building-repair works and acceptance of their implementation.