mathematical model

Determination of parameters of magnetically coupled coils based on mathematical models of their magnetic circuits

Calculation of electromagnetic parameters of static and dynamic magnetically coupled inductors based on mathematical models of their magnetic circuits is proposed. The inductance and mutual inductance of such coils are determined using the geometric dimensions of the coils themselves, their relative location, and the physical parameters of the environment.

Mathematical modeling of the efficiency indicator of the functioning of the transport and production system in the conditions of the quarry of a metallurgical enterprise

The study of the operation of quarry vehicles made it possible to form the target function of the study, taking into account the criterion of the efficiency of all processes of the system, which provides for the reduction of costs for the operation of the transport and production system of the quarry of a metallurgical enterprise, namely, the subsystems: “Incoming raw materials”, “Processing of raw materials”, “Sales of raw materials”. Factors influencing the cost indicator are highlighted.

Organization of passenger rail transportation on the section with the combined track Nyzhankovychi- Starzhava

Passenger transportation by rail is an important component of ensuring cross-border cooperation between our country and neighboring EU countries. Transport transformations are being carried out on both sides of the border, and directives are being developed and implemented to establish uniform rules and standards for the successful operation of transport and passenger movement. At the same time, the organization of traffic is being improved, taking into account the features of the infrastructure, as well as changes in traffic flows, in particular passenger flows at border areas.

Mathematical modeling of the gaming disorder model with media coverage: optimal control approach

In this article, we propose a PEARM mathematical model to depict the dynamic of a population that reacts in the spread of the gaming disorder with media coverage.  The basic reproduction number and existence of free equilibrium point and endimec equilibrium point are obtained with same fundamental properties of the model including existence and positivity as well as boundedness of equilibria are investigated.  By using Routh–Hurwitz criteria, the local stability of free equilibrium point and endimec equilibrium point are obtained.  Also, we propose an optimal strategy to implement the optim

Mathematical model of magnetic state of single-phase commutator motor

Single-phase commutator motors (SPCM) with sequential excitation have a simple design and low cost, and therefore promising for use in the drive of household appliances and electric hand tools. This necessitates the creation of mathematical models of SPCM, which would allow both the development of new and modernization of existing models of such motors. The aim of the article is to create an engineering mathematical model of the magnetic state of SPCM using circular methods.

Development of a Mathematical Model for Obtaining Energy Characteristics of the Turbine Unit with the K-325-23.5 Steam Turbine

The results of mathematical modelling of the turbine unit with the K-325-23.5 steam turbine are presented. The mathematical model of the turbine is a system of equations for the components of the heat-balance diagram and the main dependencies of its operating characteristics obtained through the thermal full-scale tests. The developed mathematical model allows adjusting the results of the full-scale tests, creating normative characteristics and conducting research of the intermediate modes of the turbine operation.

The use of cellular automata in the simulation of wood drying processes in a wood drying chamber of periodic action

In this work, research the essence of the wood drying process in a periodic wood drying chamber. This paper provides a mathematical model of a wood drying chamber, which describes the general essence of physical drying processes using the equipment available in the wood drying chamber. This approach allows to take into account the physical parameters of the necessary equipment, such as heaters, fans, humidifying nozzles or other. This approach also allows to ignore some design characteristics that may differ depending on the type of wood drying chamber.

Simulation of Change in Density and Viscosity of Crude Oil When Mixing

The deviation of density and viscosity values of oil mixtures from those calculated according to the additivity rule has been examined. Mathematical models have been developed for determining the properties of mixtures with different compositions taking into account the group composition of the source components. Mixtures containing components with a high content of alkanes and a low content of arenes have been found to be characterized by extreme deviations of density towards the maximum and kinematic viscosity towards the minimum.

Mathematical Model of Movement of Bulk Material in a Vibratory Separator

Aim. The aim is to construct the mathematical model of the movement of loose material in a vibrating separator. Method. The calculation scheme of the vibration separator with two eccentric vibrators with an independent drive was built. Based on the scheme, it is assumed that the vibration separator performs only vertical oscillations in the plane of rotation of the eccentric vibrators.

3D model and numerical algorithm for gas filtration in porous media

The article presents a three-dimensional mathematical model of the gas filtration process in porous media and a numerical algorithm for solving the initial-boundary value problem.  The developed model is described using the nonlinear differential equation in partial derivatives with the appropriate initial and boundary conditions.  The proposed mathematical apparatus makes it possible to carry out hydrodynamic calculations taking into account changes in the main factors affecting the process under consideration: permeability, porosity, and thickness of layers, gas recovery coefficient, visc