нормативно-правова база

Implementation of the customs policy of Ukraine amid improvement of its regulatory and legal support

Statement of the problem. The current stage of Ukrainian society development requires introduction of absolutely new approaches to ensuring the national security of the country. To enable the adequate response to the challenges in today’s life, it is necessary to re-assess the approaches to the customs policy and improvement of its regulatory and legal support, to guarantee efficient governmental regulation of the customs procedures and further European integration of Ukraine.

Customs Policy of Ukraine in the Context of Modern Social Challenges

Formulation of the problem. At the present stage of development of the Ukrainian state there is a difficult economic situation caused by the pandemic and Russia’s military invasion into Ukraine. Undoubtedly, this affects all spheres of life of Ukrainian society, including the implementation of the customs policy.

Нормативно-правові аспекти регенерації ринкових площ історичних міст Галичини

У площині нормативно-правового регулювання проаналізовано термінологічний аспект, висвітлено деякі типові практичні проблемні ситуації регенерації ринкових площ історичних міст Галичини, подано рекомендації корекції окремих нормативних положень.

System of conceptual principles of the national payment system of Ukraine

The article, from the position of structural analysis, deals with theoretical and applied aspects system of conceptual foundations of the national payment system. From the standpoint of financial law, the principles are analyzed – the conceptual foundations of the national payment system.