relational database

Increase the Speed of Web Applications

​The article presents a method of creating a web application based on SPA technology (one-page web application), as a method of increasing the speed of web applications based on the use of modern frameworks, tools and tools for developing client and server part of a one-page web application. One- page web applications are web application technologies that consist of a single web page that interacts with the user, dynamically generating the current page rather than downloading entire new pages from the server.

Principles of constructing a software system of the aggregated data formation

This paper is devoted to the principles of constructing a software system of the aggregated data formation. The main principles of constructing a software system of the aggregated data formation are considered and their comparative analysis are carried out. An alternative principle of constructing a software system is proposed. This principle of constructing allows to eliminate the problems of fast and reliable data processing, scaling, automation of the software system components, improve data quality and security.