
Subjects of the nomination in Ukraine: legal aspects

The article dwells on the problem of nomination in Ukraine as an important constituent part of democratic and alternative nature of elections. The authors highlight the issue of nomination as  defining a range of subjects which are able to nominate candidates for holding office in authoritative bodies. Evolution of the legal regulation of the issue of nomination subjects in Ukraine is shown based on analysis of the national electoral legislation.

Energy diplomacy as an important aspect of state's foreing policy: European experience for Ukrainians

The article considers a notion of energy diplomacy and peculiarities of its conduction, defines primary tasks for development of energy diplomacy in the foreign policy of Ukraine. With the help of historical, systemic, and structural functional methods, it is revealed that interstate collaboration in the form of energy diplomacy pursues the national interest of a state through applying a wide range of classical and specific foreign policy actions, and creates additional means of counteracting global contemporary challenges connected with the energy sector.

The legal status of election commisions in Ukraine

The article analyses a problem of the legal status of election commissions in Ukraine as a condition of their 
independence. It dwells on such elements of the legal status of election commissions, as the right to issue regulations binding for both citizens and authorities; permanent nature of commissions at the national level; lack of opportunity for the authorities which form a commission to recall proposed representatives to electoral bodies and others. 

Prospects for the eastern partnership under geopolitical and security changes in the Eastern European region

The article dwells upon “Eastern Partnership” (EaP) initiativeand proves that the issue of its reforming has been acquiring considerable relevance under conditions of the aggressive foreign policy of the Russian Federation, contradictions within the European Union, and lack of a unified position on the solution of pressing political and security problems in the European region.

Analyzing the economic development dynamics of the national economy of Ukraine

The article presents research results of the current trends in the economic development of the national economy of Ukraine on the basis of statistic and economic analysis, identifies its characteristics in terms of macro- and mezo-levels and determines the factors of development under conditions of post-industrial society, using the R. Solow model of economic growth and the Cobb-Douglas production function.