The article considers a notion of energy diplomacy and peculiarities of its conduction, defines primary tasks for development of energy diplomacy in the foreign policy of Ukraine. With the help of historical, systemic, and structural functional methods, it is revealed that interstate collaboration in the form of energy diplomacy pursues the national interest of a state through applying a wide range of classical and specific foreign policy actions, and creates additional means of counteracting global contemporary challenges connected with the energy sector.
The author of the research draws a conclusion that energy diplomacy becomes increasingly more important for solving problems in the energy sector. This diplomacy has to work towards fulfillment of two groups of objectives – classical and modern ones caused by the dynamism of scientific and technical progress in the 21st century. Thus, the first category contains establishing the stable supply of energy resources, ensuring diversification of suppliers and energy resources. The second group includes participation of Ukraine in the global energy dialogue (gas and atom); synchronisation of the energy policy of Ukraine and the EU; monitoring the main trends of the energy revolution (for instance, shale gas); commercialisation of national intellectual resources and providing access to international markets for new energy technologies; involving foreign investment into national energy sector; positioning Ukraine as a part of an integral European energy space, etc. Consolidated efforts of specialized state institutions, energy companies, and other interested actors for the fulfillment of accurately defined foreign policy priorities of the energy sector will enable achieving several goals. In particular, this will help counteract Russia in the hybrid warfare, become a part of an integrated European energy space, promote energy interests of Ukraine in geopolitical dimension and develop an internal energy market. The equally important task here is the preparation of qualified professionals in energy diplomacy through the implementation of new interdisciplinary educational programs which would form professional competencies from the spheres of diplomacy and energy policy of the state.
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