виборчий процес

European experience in hearing and resolving electoral disputes in administrative justice

The research is devoted to the study of the European experience of hearing and resolving electoral disputes in the administrative justice system. The availability of a national system of effective consideration of disputes concerning legal relations related to the election or referendum process is one of the basic guarantees of free and fair elections. Ukraine is a state that is integrating into the European legal space, thus the European system of standards is of key importance.

Information System for Supporting the Process of Protected Voting

The authors of the article have developed methodological grounds, designed and constructed an information system to implement protected voting. The analysis of the main ways of using information technology in voting area has resulted in the finding that mobile devices with certain software can significantly reduce the number of visits to polling stations, which make political voting much more accessible to people. The authors have designed the information system using a structural approach and design model Data Flow Diagrams (DFD).

The System of US Presidential Election: Particularities, Problems of Functioning and Prospects for Transformation. (Research Article)

The article examines the level of democracy of the US presidential electoral system and the prospects for its transformation. To do this examination, considerable attention is paying on the main procedural aspects of the US presidential election, in particular, on the features of the organization of primary elections, popular voting and the expression of will of the Electoral College. Using general scientific, logical and empirical research methods, the weaknesses and strengths of the US presidential electoral system are analyzed.

Проект виборчого кодексу України: недоліки та шляхи вдосконалення

Розкрито основні положення проекту Виборчого кодексу України прийнятого в
першому читанні Верховною Радою України 7 листопада 2017 року. Звернено увагу на
позитивні положення проекту та виявлено низку недоліків. Запропоновано можливі
шляхи його вдосконалення, зокрема, спростити структуру кодексу, форму викладу
окремих норм, вдосконалити визначення відповідних термів у проекті та дати їх
визначення на початку кодексу та інше.

Рublic funding of political parties: Ukrainian and world experience

In this article deals the problems of political parties and their financial viability.
Analyzed Ukrainian and international experience of implementation public funding of political
parties. Highlights the general principles of public funding of political parties. Is revealed
weaknesses in the system of public funding of political parties and the ways to improve
Ukrainian legislation.