Технологічні особливості застосування міні кранів в практиці будівництва


Мудрий І. Б. / Mudryy І. B.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра будівельного виробництва

In the article are conducted analysis of feature of application a small jib machinery in the modern conditions of construction a buildings and structures. Analyzed the technical and geometrical characteristics of mini-cranes of type “spider”of known global manufacturers.Theoretical research showed character changes the maximum and minimum capacity mini cranes when load moment increases, mass effect of crane on the maximum depth capacity and serving elements. Proved that the mini-cranes type “spider” may be effectively used in the process of construction of foundations in civil building and housing while placing tape and columnar foundations in monolithic and prefabricated versions. We can determine the main dimension of mini cranes by carrying capacity according to current standards. Using of mini cranes in construction can solve the problem associated with the creation of additional mechanized jobs and execution of works within a dense urban areas where classical large cranes couldn’t find application because of their geometrical characteristics. Posted used for scientific sources in the course of theoretical analysis.

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