Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The basic methods of Russian propaganda are analysedin Russian tomass-media of Р, their tasks are exposed: manipulation, assistance to destabilization of politics, economy, culture, other publics pheres, public opinionin Ukraine, to blow up a trust, discredit all Ukrainian: power, politics, economy, culture, other publics pheres; the characteristic signs of modern propaganda are educe dascomponentin formative war of Russia against Ukraine: intentional conscious distribution of falsein formation with the harmful, shattering intentions sent to destabilization of situationin Ukraine and discredit of its international authority.

Intensity and use of propaganda in the Internet media as the main factor of information aggression on the part of the Russian Federation, due to deliberate misinformation impact on the audience. Modern propaganda in Russian Internet media differs from traditional methods of propaganda. The task of modern anti-Ukrainian propaganda is not to convince or prove, but to undermine confidence, to discredit Ukrainian power, politics, economy, culture, etc. through deliberate and massive dissemination of false, biased news with hostile political objectives.

In order to protect against misinformation and to combat Russian propaganda in the Internet media it is important to ensure that the public is aware of this issue. Of course, it is impossible to completely escape from manipulative influence. However, checking the information received, clarifying the information through other sources, awareness of the methods of propaganda influence, as well as their ability to determine them in journalistic materials allow to reveal manipulative techniques and technologies.

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3. Lytvynenko O. V. Specialjni informacijni operaciji ta propaghandystsjki kampaniji / O. V. Lytvynenko. – K., 2000.

4.  Pochepcov Gh. Gh. Suchasni informacijni vijny / Gh. Gh. Pochepcov. – K.: Vydavnychyj dim «Kyjevo-Moghyljansjka akademija», 2015. – 497 s.
5. Poroshenko utverdyl symvolom dnja Pobedы banderovskyj flagh [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: 6. S pomoshhjju «Povstancheskoj azbuky» ukrayncev uchat «rubytj moskalej» [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: 7. Styven Koэn: Ydeja «dvukh Ukrayn» ne tak uzh plokha [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:

8.     Ukrayna ubyvaet zhurnalystov: SMY soobshhyly o novom rasstrele [Elektronnyj resurs] – Rezhym dostupu: