

Information genres as a platform for journalistic research are considered. The development of information genres in modern socio-economic realities is analyzed. It is hypothesized that with the capitalization of journalism, the possibilities of interviews and its varieties are expanded. Both interviews and reporting in modern capitalized media complement each other and help to optimize the presentation of content.

The vision of technology's effect upon human being in the context of the development of artificial inteligence (Review of Max Tegmark’s Book “Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”[Ukrainian language edition], 432 p. Kyiv, 2019)

The book “Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” was considered in the review. This book was the first translated into Ukrainian language and originally written by American mathematic, physicist – Max Tegmark (Professor, MIT).  The author explains the wide problem field related to the appearance of Artificial Intelligence (AI). He describes transformations which threaten human himself and the whole world as a result of creating AI. Humankind can lose its special status of an intelligent creature.

Support judicial discretion

In terms of competitiveness of the domestic proceedings and the ambiguous approach of the theory of the judicial process and the legislator to judge procedural manifestations of activity in court cases urgent problem of the judge's discretion in the preparation for the trial, in a case in court, the reopening of the case in view of new or newly discovered facts.