business models

Tactical planning methods: meaning and typology in the system of circular business models of enterprises

Purpose. The concept of circular economy (closed-loop economy) emerged as an alternative economic model designed to reduce the negative impact on the environment, solve the problem of resource scarcity, extend the life cycle of products and solve global problems of the world economy and international economic relations on this basis. Obtaining the benefits of implementing circular business models, which consist in increasing the income of the world economy, saving resources, and increasing the number of jobs, requires reasonable and rational planning at enterprises.

The problems of improving the planning and accounting of innovative development of enterprise

The problems of planning and accounting the innovation activity of company during its 
development are considered. The prospects for the development of any company today are 
increasingly dependent on its business reputation and the possibility of introducing innovations. 
Innovative activity is not represented directly in financial accounting. The existing accounting 
system doesn’t encourage activities on strategic development and ensure the growth of its value.