Gender linguistics terminology as a system

: pp. 81 - 84

Chuyeshkova O. Gender linguistics terminology as a system // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2018. – # 890.

Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogics Academy

The article focuses on the discussion of hyperhyponymy in the gender linguistics terminology. The systemacity as one of the main characteristics of the term is pointed out, the concepts of terminology and terminology systems are analyzed. It is noted that the hyponymic paradigm is one of the most important categories which form terminological structures. Among the mentioned hyponomic groupsthe two- and multilevel structures, the presence of which is one of the important grounds for the classification of gender linguistics terminology as a category of systems, are allocated.

Gender linguistics is a new linguistic direction, the emergence of which is due to the development of gender studies in the world and domestic linguistics. Nowadays this branch of knowledge attracts great attention from the scientific community. Though despite a significant amount of linguistic genderology works, there are very few of them which are devoted to the study of the terminological apparatus of gender linguistics, which determines the relevance of this work.

Gender linguistics is interpreted as a linguistic direction, representatives of which study the gender aspects of language and speech through the linguistic conceptual apparatus. Accordingly, the terminology of gender linguistics is a set of terms correlated with this branch of knowledge and related to each other on the conceptual, lexical-semantic, word-formation and grammatical levels.

 Today, gender linguistics being a branch of gender as an independent interdisciplinary paradigm, raises many questions. Among scholars there is no unanimity neither on the naming of certain linguistic genderology concepts, nor on their definition; the name of the branch is also unsettled; the analyzed terminology contains a significant number of options; the terminological vocabulary of gender linguistics has not yet been concluded etc. These and other problems are caused by the stage of the gender linguistics formation, in the further development process of which there will be further regulation of the terminology system. However, at the present stage there is a logical question about the legality of the analyzed terminology referring to the category of systems.

In the context of the mentioned problem the analysis of the concepts "terminology" and "terminology system" is relevant. In linguistic dictionaries terminology is determined as a set / system of terms in a particular branch of science, technology, art, social and political life. Instead, the terminology system is seen as a system of terms of a particular branch of science, technology, art, etc., which takes into account lexical-semantic and word-building relationships between nominations – terms. Some terminologists suggest not to compile these concepts, noting that terminology is not a system of terms, but a set of terms that are part of a certain terminology system. In a special literature, one can also find the assertion that a given set of terms becomes a terminology system only when it can be put into order and correction. Though, there is no branch of production, technology or science which includes the random accumulation of terms, systemically unrelated and not organized. Therefore, we can only conditionally distinguish terminology as a set of terms and the terminology system as an ordered, codified terminology.

One of the main characteristics of the term is systematicity, which has a double manifestation: the logic one implies a hierarchy of concepts, the language one provides the structural typology of terms, the presence of semantic, grammatical, word-formation links between terms units. The hierarchical organization of any terminology system is provided by hyper-hyponymic relationships. Hyponymy is interpreted as a manifestation of language paradigm, the presence of notation of concepts in the lexical system of the generic-species hierarchy which are based on the incompatibility relations as the absence of intersection of the capacity of concepts; hyponymy presupposes the presence of hyperonimus and hyponyms: the first one is a generic symbol of a class of objects or features, the latter is a subject to the first as a designation of the species of this class.

Most of hyper-hyponymic structures involved in the analysis have two levels, the hyponyms are on the same level as hyperonimus. The third and next levels of division involve the creation of more complex constructions on the basis of multicomponent compounds, where two- and three-component terminological phrases will act as hyperonyms.

The conducted research has shown the presence of hyper-hyponymic relations with two or more levels of division in the gender linguistics terminology, which is one of the most important proofs of the systematicity of the analyzed terminology. Among the prospects for further research, it is important to study both the outlined linguistic direction and the corresponding terminological system, in particular, the grammatical and semantic structure of the terms of gender linguistics terminology should be determined, the recommendations for further regulation of terminology should be developed.

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