Assessing the Human Condition in Medical Cyber-Physical System Based on Microservices Architecture

: cc. 112 - 120
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», кафедра електронних обчислювальних машин
Technical University of Munich

The goal of the work is to propose architectural and information model for assessing the human condition on the basis of microservice architecture in medical cyber-physical system, which, in contrast to the known models for assessing the human condition, can simultaneously provide scaling, fault tolerance and increase the speed of human condition assessment. The theoretical substantiation and the new decision of an actual scientific problem of development and research means of an estimation of a human condition in medical cyber-physical system have been considered. These means involve the parallel processing of data on vital signs of the human condition, organizing the means of information processing into separate independent logical elements — microservices, in comparison with other existing medical cyber-physical systems. An architectural model based on microservice architecture has been proposed.

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