
Особливості планування розслідування злочинів у сфері економіки

У статті висвітлено поняття та сутність планування розслідування злочинів у галузі економіки. Проаналізовано наукові розробки проблеми планування розслідування злочинів у кримінальній реалізації. Окремі ознаки економічних злочинів є впевненими, що необхідно враховувати при складанні плану їх розслідування. Основні обов'язкові учасники планування розслідування злочинів окреслені в галузі економіки. 

Use of tactical receptions in investigation of crimes perfect by the organized criminal groups

In the article maintenance and concept of tactical receptions are considered at carried out inquisitional (search) actions. Features are certain that must be taken into account at the choice of tactical reception during realization of inquisitional (search actions in investigation of crimes accomplished by the organized criminal groups. Basic factors are outlined that influence at choice concrete tactical reception from realization of inquisitional (search) actions in investigation of the marked crimes.

The problems of improving the planning and accounting of innovative development of enterprise

The problems of planning and accounting the innovation activity of company during its 
development are considered. The prospects for the development of any company today are 
increasingly dependent on its business reputation and the possibility of introducing innovations. 
Innovative activity is not represented directly in financial accounting. The existing accounting 
system doesn’t encourage activities on strategic development and ensure the growth of its value. 

Концептуальні засади та архітектура бази даних «Навчальні плани»

Запропоновано концептуальні засади та проаналізовано особливості архітектури бази даних «Навчальні плани», призначеної для автоматизації планування та управління навчальним процесом у великому багатопрофільному університеті.

This article presents conceptual framework and features of architecture of the database «Curriculum», which is designed to automate planning and management of educational process in large university with many profile.

Evaluation of the client efficiency outsourcing activities by major types of outsourcing

In the process of improvement of industrial and business activities of enterprises in
accordance with changes of competitive market environment the question of efficiency assessment
of outsourcing transactions which secure solid economic benefits and simultaneously generate line
of risks is very important. Despite the abundance of literature which examines the features of
evaluating the effectiveness of outsourcing, one of the outstanding issues today is the issue of

Імовірнісні та імітаційні моделі планування та управління в мультипроектному середовищі

In the paper considered the models of project portfolio’s formation and the allocation of resources between the portfolio projects under uncertainty, their advantages and disadvantages, the impact of organizational structures and modern software development technologies to reduce the uncertainty level, substantiated the necessity to use imitation to obtain decisions on planning in multi-project environment, offered structure of the simulation model.

Operative search of prevention of crimes that is accomplished organized by criminal groups

In the article the question of activity of operative subdivisions of ОВС is considered in relation to prevention of crimes. that accomplished by the organized criminal groups. Basic directions and forms of operatively-search prevention of the marked criminal activity are certain.

Operative search of prevention of crimes that is accomplished organized by criminal groups

In the article the question of activity of operative subdivisions of ОВС is considered in relation to prevention of crimes. that accomplished by the organized criminal groups. Basic directions and forms of operatively-search prevention of the marked criminal activity are certain.