November 22 - 24, 2017

Economics and Management


Lviv Polytechnic National University

Welcome to the 8th International Academic Conference of Young Scientists "Economics & Management 2018" (EM-2018) which will be held November 22 - 24 2018 in Lviv, Ukraine.


Conference areas include but are not limited to:

  • Business Economics and Investments.
  • Foreign Trade and Customs.
  • Marketing and Logistics.
  • Management and International Business.
  • Organizational Management.
  • Human Resource Management and Administration.
  • Accounting and Analyzis.
  • Theoretical and Applied Economics.
  • Finances.
  • Administrative and Financial Management.

Authors of unique (original) papers describing research in the areas of economy and management from Ukraine and abroad are invited to take part in the conference. Plenary Sessions will be dedicated to the reports of the invited eminent scholars. Accepted refereed papers will appear in the conference proceedings as well as on the conference website.

EM-2018 will take place in Lviv Polytechnic National University — one of the biggest and the oldest technical university in Ukraine. Founded in 1816, our university combines more than one and a half century experience with the newest approaches to education and research.

Conference objectives are:

  • stimulating creative professional activity of young scientists;
  • creating favourable conditions for presenting results of youth work to the international scientific community;
  • facilitating exchange of experience and ideas among young scientist presenting various scientific schools;
  • engaging student body in scientific research;
  • making the youth familiar with the latest research results and brand-new tendencies in the sphere.

We hope to accept plenty of talented papers and hold many exciting discussions this year! Looking forward to seeing you in Lviv!