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XVII International Scientific Conference Lviv - Košice - Rzeszów
Current Issues of Civil and Environmental Engineering Lviv - Košice - Rzeszów
11.09.2019 Wednesday
Time Event
1000 - 1400 Arrival of Participants. Registration in the Main building of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Assembly Hall
1400 - 1500 Opening Ceremony
Prof. Yurij Bobalo, Sc.D., rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine )
Prof. Zinoviy Blikharskyy, Sc.D., Director of the Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering of the Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine)
Prof. Piotr Koszelnik, Sc.D., Head of the Department of Environmental Engineering and Chemistry, Rzeszów University of Technology (Poland)
Prof. Peter Mesároš, Ph.D., Dean at Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Košice (Slovakia)
1500 - 1600 Plenary Session
1. Piątek, Bartosz (et al.) Development of Strip Anchoring for CFRP Strengthening System
2. M. Sanytsky Alkali-activated multi-composite cements and nanomodified High Performance concrete
1600 - Transfer to training center Maidan "Magic lakes", Lviv region, Zhovkva district, village Maidan. Coordinates: 50 ° 0'44 "N 23 ° 50'0" E
12.09.2019 Thursday
Time Event
900 - 1000 Breakfast
1000 - 1300 Section meetings*
1300 - 1400 Lunch
1400 - 1700 Section meetings*
1900 - 0000 Social Evening, Dinner
13.09.2019 Friday
Time Event
900 - 1000 Breakfast
1000 - Departure of Participants to Lviv
1100 - 1300 Outgoing session - Excursion to Lviv for everyone
1300 - Departure of Participants
* Detailed information can be faund in attachment