Applying of genetic algorithms in the automated workload distribution system for teachers and students

: pp. 149 - 157
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Computer Aided Design Systems Department
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Computer Engineering Department

There was determined the relevance of the automated formation of the education schedule, which is the key to effective organization of the educational process, distribution of workload for teachers, accounting for various types of classes and relevant rooms. Analyzed the features of existing scheduling systems, their specifics. Considered the methods and approaches to solving the problemof automated distribution capacity.

Investigated features of genetic algorithms, their advantages for solving optimization problems and a possibility of using for the implementation of an automated system of distribution capacity in an academy. Proposed the modified genetic algorithm that implements the best qualities of the classical algorithm and lacks some of its limitations. Determined main parameters of the genetic algorithmand taken into account their influence on the speed and quality of the final result is. Submitted a mathematical formulation of the general distribution problem and developed the model of an automated system of distribution capacity, which implements a method for compiling a schedule focused on the organization of the educational process. The final application is implemented in Java and is provided for use as a web service. This view provides the possibility of remote access users to information resources. Managing the parameters of the algorithmmade in the configuration files, allows for more efficient use and making optimization changes to its work.

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