This article presents an analysis and selection of navigation methods for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that can be implemented using modern computer components. A classification of navigation methods is provided based on key criteria: system operating principles, sensor types, accuracy, reliability, power consumption, and the potential for integration with other UAV systems. The use of inertial systems based on MEMS sensors, satellite positioning systems, and visual odometry is considered. A combined sensor application approach is proposed to enhance the accuracy and reliability of UAV navigation. Prospects for the integration of MEMS sensors with system-on-chip (SoC) solutions are outlined to further reduce the size, weight, and power consumption of navigation systems. The research results showed that the use of MEMS sensors can provide a significant reduction in the weight of the navigation system from 250 g to less than 50 g, as well as a significant reduction in power consumption to 10-16.5 mW, compared to traditional inertial devices.
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