The article shows the relevance of the manufacture of medicines containing the extract of Pelargoniumsidoides root pelargonium for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. The results of thestudy of the process of extraction of Pelargonium sidoides root extraction (Pelargonium sidoides) arepresented in two ways: the traditional method of extraction - maceration when using the extractor-macerator and in the press extractor by the method of dynamic extraction, followed by constant rotationof the extractor. Comparison of the results obtained with the indicator "Dry residue" showed that themethod of dynamic extraction, accompanied by constant rotation of the extractor and periodiccirculation is more effective than the traditional method of extraction by maceration by 56.9%. Themaximum value of this indicator in Pelargonium sidoides root extract was reached within 8 hours using apneumatic press extractor and 48 hours during extraction in a macerator extractor, which can beexplained by the constant contact of the extractant with the raw material. Based on these data, it can beargued that the dynamic extraction method with constant rotation of the extractor and the use ofperiodic circulation is more economical compared to classic maceration, because it allows to obtain high-quality extracts of pelargonium root extracts in less time.
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