Вy-products of petrochemical industries for the synthesis of reactive hydrocarbon resins

: 62-67
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article proposes the use of peroxide initiators for the synthesis of reactive hydrocarbon oligomers with anhydride and carboxyl groups based on hydrocarbon fractions C5–9. Effective initiators of the process were selected, which made it possible to obtain high yields of co-oligomers. Ways of practical application of the synthesized co-oligomers were investigated. The possibility of using reactive co-oligomers for the production of polymeric protective materials and composite materials with specified properties is proposed. Functional groups and double bonds improve the physico-mechanical (adhesion, strength, stability) and chemical (acid number, saponification number) properties of the obtained hydrocarbon oligomers.

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