Model for the formation of the leadership professional competence in healthcare field

Humanitarian and Socio- Political Studies Chair of the ORIPA NAPA under the President of Ukraine
Odessa National Medical University
Humanitarian and Socio-Political Studies Chair of the ORIPA NAPA under the President of Ukraine

Problem setting. Structural reforms in the healthcare system, medical institutions autonomization and radical change in their financing model, necessitate continuous improvement of methodological and organizational approaches to the training of modern specialists in the field of healthcare organization and management.

Recent research and publications analysis. Conceptual, terminological and practical aspects for the formation of the leadership professional competence are considered in the numerous works by foreign and domestic scientists. T. Kravtsova, K. Khomenko, M. Mruha and others considered the peculiarities of educational approaches to the formation of professional competence for medical staff. Management capital in the healthcare system was studied by V. Borsch. The information support model for the formation of the leadership professional competence in the healthcare field was proposed by L. Lishtaba.

Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Despite the significant scientific achievements of the scholars, there is still no comprehensive research, concerning the development of a universal model for the formation of the leadership professional competence in the healthcare system integrated by levels and forms of education.

Paper main body. The model for the formation of the leadership professional competence in the healthcare field could be considered from the philosophical and socio-economic point of view. The philosophical aspect of the model reflects a dialectical set of forms and methods for influencing the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the leaders’ capability to act effectively and to achieve results in the healthcare management. The socio-economic aspect of the model means that it is always specified by certain socio-economic conditions of society development, the requirements of the market environment for the leadership professional qualities, and the healthcare system features. The model is implemented through a mechanism, the core of which being the state personnel policy in the healthcare field. Legal, economic and administrative methods of state influence are the means for its implementation, while educational and professional programs of postgraduate education and continuing professional development programs in the healthcare are the implementation forms. The objects of the model are organizational, legal, economic, educational, value-personal subsystems (elements) of the system of formation and development of the leadership professional competence in the healthcare field.

Conclusions and perspectives for further research. Having considered the conceptual apparatus of the system of formation and development of the leadership professional competence in the healthcare field, we can form an idea of its scientific (abstract) structural and functional model. Filling each abstract element of the mechanism for the model implementation with specific content could be the next important step of scientific research.

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