Expenditures algorithm formation on export activities based on economic entity involvement stages to foreign market

: pp.61-71
Lviv Politechnic National University
Lviv Politechnic National University

This article provides a detailed analysis of Infographic Association Agreement with the EU in the context of the author’s approach, manly a series of export activity involves separation of the four stages of economic entity involvement to external market (the stage of initial involvement to a foreign market; export activity increase stage; stage of export activities full formation and stage of the company export reduction). The algorithm of expenditures on export activities based on stages of economic entity involvement to foreign market using software Statistica was designed. An example of such an algorithm for JV “Spheros-Electron” and PC “Promprylad” is exemplified which allows to identify expenditure composition and the factors that influence the formation of such expenditure in a particular stage of involvement, to identify their level of influence identify the key expenses, to calculate the rate of total expenditure on each stages and build a functional relationship between the amount of expen¬di-ture and efficiency levels of exports for the next period. 

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