In Europe and the United States the social responsibility of business is a clearly declared concept of business development. The economic stability of the enterprise is a prerequisite for the implementation of the principles of social responsibility of the business. The basic principles of positioning the essence of economic sustainability in the context of socially responsible enterprises are presented in the article. The typology of economic stability which is acceptable for socially responsible enterprises is improved. The components of the enterprise economic sustainability are detailed. The correlation between components of economic sustainability of the socially responsible businesses is highlighted. The article emphasizes the diversity of approaches to positioning economic sustainability and presents the differences between them. The paper takes into account the factor of social responsibility of business while correlating the components of the economic sustainability of the enterprise. The basic principles of this approach are justified. The conceptual apparatus of economic sustainability is grouped into 4 levels. This approach makes it possible to take into account the priority of categories and to structure them within the research object. Within the proposed approach there is also described and justified the essence of the economic sustainability related categories.
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