The article is aimed at researching the current problem of socioecology - the causes and consequences of possible resource depletion, as well as establishing the possibility of its averting. There are two classifications of natural resources from the point of view of ecology: according to their renewability and according to the possibility of use. Based on the concept of the Rouche limit, the law of the resource balance of society is formulated, which relates the social productivity of labor to the population density and the depletion of available natural resources. This law is another form of recording the balance of social production and consumption of resources. The consequences of its violation are shown.The effect of abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic factors on the rate of depletion of available natural resources is studied, and the decisive role of scientific and technological progress in the development of the resource base of society is shown. It was determined that scientific and technological progress is a decisive factor in averting a resource catastrophe by humanity and individual nations. The conducted study of the social structure allows us to draw a conclusion about the decisive role of industrial relations in the implementation of new scientific and technical solutions in production.
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