Editorial and technical requirements
- Text editor - Microsoft Word; file format .DOC or .DOCX; page size: A-4; all fields - 20 mm; font size - 14; The first line indent is 12.5.
- Times New Roman font (for all text, including links).
- Information about the author: in the upper left corner: in bold type the name and surname, as well as the lower link (with scientific rank, degree, name and surname, educational institution - the name of the institution, e-mail). At the end of this text, the center must include the name, telephone number and postal address, which will be removed from the text during the layout process.
- The title of the article: in large letters, in bold, alignment - in the center.
- Volume of the main text: 4-5 pages. Texts that significantly violate the volume will not be allowed to print!
- Links are set at the bottom of the page and numbered.
- References at the end of the main text are given in alphabetical order without numbering.
- Tables, drawings, diagrams, etc. should be submitted separately in jpg or pdf formats with high quality and resolution, black and white, transparent and attentively prepared.
Editorial and technical requirements
(collective monograph)
- Text editor for Microsoft Word; file format .DOC or .DOCX; page size: A-4; all fields - 20 mm; font size - 14; The first line indent is 12.5.
- Times New Roman font (for all text, including links).
- Information about the author: in the upper left corner: in bold type the name and surname, as well as the lower link (with scientific rank, degree, name and surname, educational institution - the name of the institution, e-mail). At the end of this text, the center must include the name, telephone number and postal address, which will be removed from the text during the layout process.
- The title of the article: in large letters, in bold, alignment - in the center.
- The title of the article in foreign language: in capital letters, bold.
- Summary and keywords (in Polish / Ukrainian and English): (in bold type the words "Summary" and "Keywords"); volume up to 1000 symbols, keywords - no more than 5.
- Volume of the main text: 22500-25000 symbols including summary. Texts that significantly violate the volume will not be allowed to print!
- Links are set at the bottom of the page and numbered.
- References at the end of the main text are given in alphabetical order without numbering.
- Tables, drawings, diagrams, etc. should be submitted separately in jpg or pdf formats with high quality and resolution, black and white, transparent and accurately prepared.