: 10-19
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The dynamic and unpredictable nature of network environments poses a significant challenge for distributed systems, particularly those relying on consensus algorithms for state management and fault tolerance. To address this challenge, this article introduces a novel simulation model designed to study the impact of unstable network connections on clusters running consensus algorithms. The model is engineered to mimic varying degrees of network instability, including latency fluctuations and connection disruptions, which are characteristic of real-world distributed systems. Our proposed model represents a significant advancement in the simulation of distributed networks. It employs a sophisticated network emulation layer capable of generating a wide spectrum of unstable network conditions. The core of the model is a highly configurable consensus mechanism simulator that allows for the adjustment of key parameters such as heartbeat intervals, election timeouts, and message loss rates. This level of configurability enables a comprehensive analysis of consensus behaviors under different network scenarios. The article focuses on the methodology behind the development of the model, detailing the theoretical underpinnings and the implementation strategies used to ensure a realistic representation of network instability. We also discuss the potential applications of the model, which extend beyond academic research into practical domains where distributed ledger technologies and distributed databases are prevalent. Through the deployment of this model, researchers and system architects can gain deeper insights into the resilience and adaptability of consensus algorithms. The model serves as a tool for preemptively identifying and addressing potential issues in distributed systems, facilitating the development of more robust and reliable technologies. In summary, the article showcases the design and capabilities of a new model that enables an in-depth understanding of the delicate interplay between network instability and consensus efficiency. By focusing on the model itself, the article aims to lay a foundation for future studies and improvements in the field of distributed systems.

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