Modeling of solar energy absorption processes by real terrain areas

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

In paper the problems associated with evaluation of quantity of a solar energy, obtained by field of real terrain are considered. The solution of this problem is impossible without use of a developed cartographical system, as which it is offered to use ArcView with the extension Spatial Analyst. The key role in the task is played mathematical model of a relief by way of grid-surfaces permitting to receive necessary space performances in any point of terrain. The authors offer a method of an evaluation of quantity's allocation of a solar energy for any day of year and scheme of his obtainment for any time interval, outgoing from allocation of an energy for two days of each decade. The mode of quantifying of a solar energy’ obtained by the specified field of real terrain during the specified period is also exhibited. The example of usage of an offered method on territory of the Lviv region is demonstrated.

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