Aim. As part of the project of renovation of hydropower plants on the Kanev hydropower plants (HPP) the experts of Leica Geosystems together with Ukrhydroenergo had created a system of automated geodetic monitoring comprising: robotic electronic total stations, GNSS receivers, inclinometers that work synchronously and communicate observations into a single data centers. The basic idea of monitoring is to integrate the various components of geodetic measurements for maximum accuracy and reliability of results. Since March 2014 the monitoring system has started to send the results of daily GNSS-observations on Kanivska HPP. During March it were received files of daily observations of 77 vectors. Methods. For the processing of the measurement results obtained by the automated system of geodetic monitoring using software package Leica GeoMoS it is necessary to know the most stable points of the network. Therefore it is necessary to determine the spatial position of points in the era of the corresponding series of observations, taking into account the displacement of all network points, and select the most stable points. With this purpose, for each repeated cycle of observations it was implemented the adjustment by parametric method using the values of the measured vectors projections on corresponding axes Δx, Δy, Δz. Relating to these data standard deviations of vector projection between all points from its average value were determined. Also no normalized and normalized kinematic coefficients were calculated for each point, the value of which indicates their stability. Basing on weight-average displacements along coordinate axes of each pair of points and taking into account the kinematic coefficients fit was determined the weight-average displacement of whole network caused by its deformation, displacement of medium height of the network using adjustment results and final points displacements caused by the deformation of the network. According to the results of each cycle adjustment it was obtained the mean square error (MSE) of coordinate determination taking into account errors of measurement and errors of simulation of point’s kinematics. The obtained results are used to determine the most stable points of the network. Results. The general points displacement relative to the first cycle of observations and RMS error of the spatial position of points, taking into account errors of measurement errors i kinematics network, had been obtained. The practical significance. The proposed method of determination average spatial position of the network, which is caused by its deformation and measurement error, allows to carry out analysis of the stability of points with regard to the kinematics of each point as well as to select the most stable points of the network. Application of this method allows to use the software Leica GeoMoS for processing of results obtained by the automated system of geodetic monitoring of hydropower plants.
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