To the choice of map projections of trans-border ecological situations

: pp. 66-73
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

The aim. In the theory of mathematical cartography there are two methods of finding new map projections. The first one is based on the methods of Chebyshev. This method defines the projection where the maximum logarithm scale module must have a minimum value within the boundaries of the mapland. Besides it applies a number of criteria, which allow to receive projections of minimum as well as variation types. However, in cartography non-strictly correct methods are mostly preferred, in particular, one can make a choice according to the character of the distribution pattern of distortion by adapting their characteristics and values to the appliance of the created map. Justification of the choice of cartographical projections of conforming and variavalent types for regional mapping of trans-border ecological situations is an urgent problem, which makes the aim of this publication. Methods. In case of regional mapping one should consider different configuration of the area. In respect of this aspect, it is advisable to use (conformal) map projections. It is offered to obtain equiangular conformal projection using harmonic polynoms of the third degree. Results. In the article the justification of the choice of map projections of conforming and  variavalent types for regional mapping of trans-border ecological situations is carried out. The technique of adaptation of indicatrix of distortion of central point to the configuration of the area is offered. Scientific novelty. Finding cartographical projections of special appliance can be made without strict adherence to the theory of mathematical cartography. For cartography of the current ecological state of Ukraine variable-scale (variavalent) normal conical projection is suggested. Two methods of receiving this projection are investigated. The basis of the first one is the appliance of a polynomial power approximation. The second method involves the use of Chebyshev polynoms. Practical value. According to this technique variable-scale cartographic projection is designed providing clear visual perception of existing environmental changes in southern Ukraine Under this technique is designed variable-scale cartographic projection provided clear visual perception of existing environmental changes in southern Ukraine and cartographic projection cross-border area of ecologically unstable objects - Hotyslavskyy quarry (Belarus) and Shatsky Lakes (Ukraine). Found importance scale lengths and areas for different latitude in respect parallels. These data confirm the zoomed area in southern Ukraine in 2.21 times, the need to provide a significant increase in the content of the information content of the site. According to this technique variable-scale cartographic projection is designed providing clear visual perception of existing environmental changes in southern Ukraine.

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