Geospatial modeling of greenhouse gas emission in the residential sector: a comparison of Western Ukraine and South-Eastern Poland

: pp. 131-141
Received: December 01, 2014
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

Purpose. To develop of approaches for spatial inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in the residential sector at the level of elementary objects to form datasets of geospatial distribution of emissions, and to analyze on this base the differences in emission structure for the territories of the Western Ukraine and South-Eastern Poland. Methodology. The main sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the residential sector are analyzed. The approach for assessment of energy demand of the households is developed. The results of the assessment are used for disaggregation of fossil fuels, burned in the residential sector, from regional level to the level of elementary objects. The geospatial datasets of greenhouse gas emission distribution is constructed for Western Ukraine and South-Eastern Poland using the tools of GIS software developed approaches and IPCC guidelines. The total results are obtained in the form of regular Grid-model with the resolution of 2 km. Results. Based on constructed geospatial datasets of emission distribution in the residential sector, and comparison of the results obtained for Poland and Ukraine, it was identified that the main energy source to meet the household needs in Poland is coal, and in Ukraine – natural gas. Greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the residential sector in South-Eastern Poland were 1,39 t in СО2-equivalent in 2010, in Western Ukraine – 0,98 t, as the carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emission coefficients for coal (the main energy source in Poland) are much higher than corresponding coefficients for natural gas. Originality. Based on elaborated mathematical model of emission processes in the residential sector, and conducted numerical experiments the digital maps and geospatial datasets with data about emission sources and greenhouse gas emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are obtained. Practical significance. The developed approach for geospatial modeling of greenhouse gas emissions enables to assess the potential of certain regions to reduce emissions and to support the effective decision making concerning implementation of low-carbon technologies.

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