Purpose. Estimation of the state of forest stands using remote sensing data and statistical inventory data and the comparison of forest inventory indices with forest management materials. Methodology. Remote sensing data were used for the investigation of inventory indices. Inventory indices of forest stands of NNP “Skolivsky Beskydy” and ascertain edges of forest massif were done with Landsat ETM+ data (resolution 30 m) and Quick Bird data (resolution 0.6 m). For the image interpretation with the minimal distance algorithm forest stands on sample plots were studied. These sample plots were chosen on the regular network with a pitch of 300 m in QGIS software. Inventory indices estimation was done using common methods in forest management. Results. Utilization of satellite images for forest resources investigation was described. Modern approaches and technologies for forest resources investigation were used. It allowed realizing estimation of edges of forest area for Skole forest district of NNP “Skolivsky Beskydy” (Lviv Region) and specifying edges using remote sensing data. Differences of area on digital maps and forest management materials were calculated. Scientific novelty and practical significance. The algorithm of using remote sensing data for separation of edges of subcompartments was adapted. Obtained results were compared to the forest management database and respective deviations were estimated. These data and the algorithm can be used for creation of digital maps of forest cover, touristic maps, and separation on functional zones.
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