In the article the information-measuring channel implementation of threshold sensitivity control on the primary transducer of the label-type element is proposed. The experiments results are presented which testify to the prospect of further research of primary converters on the developed method basis. It is shown that the proposed informationmeasuring channel can be used both independently and in the composition of automated control systems. The transformation block diagrams of information-measuring signals into the amount of the current flow rate of the channel in the composition of the calibration unit have been developed.
One of the disadvantages of the converters implementation for gaseous and liquid media, based on the use of a labeltype element, is the use of materials for the dimensional elements production, the density of which is several orders of magnitude higher than the measuring medium density. In addition, typical implementations of primary converter costs are based on the use of components with nonlinear characteristics that undergo changes during operation, which results in distortion of measurement signals. One of the promising options for solving these problems is to improve and search for new constructive measuring elements implementations of the label transducers for the gas flow s media and methods for the measuring signals formation and processing. In the implementation of information measuring channels in computer verification, attestation and parameters control of the gas volume conversion most often use such types of converters as rotary, drum, membrane, turbine and float, which are additionally equipped with specialized technical solutions for the formation of information-measuring signals, usually pulsed. It should be noted that the functioning of said primary converters in the information-measuring
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