Information for Authors

To participate in the conference and publish thesis, please send the following to the conference email (itep.conference@gmail.comby May 10, 2024:

  1. thesis prepared in accordance with the requirements (file name in the format: 1_Prizvysche_I_P_tezy, where 1 is the number of conference topic);
  2. application for participation in the conference (file name in the format: 1_Prizvysche_I_P_zayavka).
  3. for single publications by students and postgraduates - a file with a scanned review of the supervisor in .pdf format (file name in the format: 1_Prizvysche_I_P_retsenziya)



The volume of thesis should be up to 4 pages (with a list of references). Thesis should correspond to the scientific topics of the conference and can be prepared by one or more authors. No more than two theses can be submitted by one author.

The text of the thesis should be constructed in a logical sequence, without repetition, with clear wording and in accordance with the requirements of the style of scientific text, without grammatical and stylistic errors.

Conference materials will be published in the author edition. The authors are responsible for the content of the materials and spelling.

The text must be typed in the text editor MS Word with the extension .doc or .docx. Page format – A4 (210 mm, 297 mm); margin parameters: top and bottom – 2 cm each; inner - 2.5 cm; external - 1.5 cm. Font - Times New Roman; pin – 12; line spacing – single; paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm.

The list of references should be given in italics at the end of the text (the words list of references are not placed). The sources used are formatted in accordance with АРА (According to the seventh edition (2020)).



Petrenko Ivan
Lviv Polytechnic National University





  1. Yakibchuk, O. (2014) «Peculiarities of Environmental Security of Ukraine in the National Security System», Visnik Kiyivskogo natsionalnogo universitetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, pp. 100–104.


Thesis that do not meet the requirements for their formatting or are submitted later than the deadline will not be accepted for consideration



Participants of the conference can be prepared articles at the request, which, after preliminary review and plagiarism check, will be published as subsections in the relevant sections of the collective monograph.

The collective monograph will be assigned ISBN and DOI of the Ukrainian Economic Publishing House.

The number of co-authors is up to 3.

The publication of an article in a collective monograph is paid for.

The cost of one article publication is 800 UAH for participants from Ukraine and 30 EUR for foreign participants.

The details for payment of the publication fee will be announced after the article is accepted for inclusion in the collective monograph.

For more information on publishing in a collective monograph, please contact the contact person.

The text should be typed in MS Word with the extension .doc or .docx. Page format - A4 (210 mm, 297 mm); margins - 2 cm on all sides; font - Times New Roman; size - 12; line spacing - single; paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm.

Structure of the article (subsection):

1st line – title of paper (all capital letters, bold). Alignment – on the centre.
2nd line – blank line.
3rd line – full name of author / co-authors (italic). Alignment – on the left.
4th line – workplace. Alignment – on the left.
5th line – the city and country (italic). Alignment – on the left.
6th line – e-mail of author / co-authors (italic). Alignment – on the left.
7th line – blank lines.
from 8th line – thesis (up to 10 lines), key words (3-6 words) – in English and in the language of paper
Through the line – text of paper. Alignment – on the width.

Paper size: 20000-25000 characters (approximately – 6-7 pages).