2nd International Conference
Date: 15-16 May 2025
Venue: Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Conference languages: Ukrainian, Polish, English
Form of the event: mixed
Participation in the conference: free
E-mail: itep.conference@gmail.com
We are pleased to invite You to participate in the 2nd International Conference «Information technologies in the environmental protection» that will be held on May 15-16, 2025 in Lviv, Ukraine.
The conference is organized in accordance with the tasks of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module №101126436 – EcoMonIT –ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH «Ecological Monitoring with new Information Technologies: European Experience».
Conference topics:
- World and national practice of using information technologies in environmental research.
- Environmental safety in the conditions of war: problems of ensuring and nowadays challenges.
- Ecologization of the economy to ensure a green future for the European Union.
As the results of the conference it will be published the collection of thesis and collective monograph.