The results of non-destructive technological control of the number of defects in the enamel wire insulation based on polyetherimide polymer are presented. The application of statistical analysis of the measurement results of control indicators with the help of a mathematical trend model for the use in active technological control is considered. Recommendations for the practical use of the trend function parameters to control the probability of finding several parameters within the established limits are proposed. The main parameter of the trend is the flow parameter of the number of defects exceeding the established technological limit (the failure flow parameter) in short periods of the technological time, for example, for each spool of wire (several thousand meters of wire). The ability to quantitatively assess the tendency of enamel insulation defects for the wire with two-layer insulation with a nominal diameter of 0.63 mm during a continuous technological cycle has been theoretically explained and confirmed by measurements. Quantitative assessment of the tendency of changing the enamel insulation defectiveness allows using a model based on collating the information on a significant number of control parameters. At the same time, one parameter of the spectrum of interrelated ones is allowed to exceed a set technological limit, which ensures sensitivity to changes in this limit. Data on the sensitivity of this model to technological changes are presented
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