Evaluation of the physical properties of athletes based on the results of the hamstring mccall test, conducted using k-deltas platform

: pp. 23-28
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Ukrainian sports clinic

The paper proposes a method of forming a generalized comparative assessment of the physical qualities of a group of athletes from one team based on McCall's hamstring test conducted using the K-Deltas platform. The peak loading of the legs, the rate of growth of force before reaching the peak value, the time of reaching the peak load, the rate of decrease of the load after reaching the peak value were measured. All measurements were carried out for the athlete's left and right leg, bent at the knee joint 900 and 300. At the same time, such physical parameters of the athlete as strength, reaction, neuromuscular fatigue were examined. These data are presented in the generalized relative ratings of athletes of the group. For a number of studies, for which high linear correlation values were obtained, regression linear relationships (as well as their largest relative deviations) are presented, that can be used in the future for preliminary estimation

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