The results of the investigations, carried out in Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, into the principles of construction of modern microwave systems for wireless energy transmission (WET) on the basis of a multipositional system of radiators (MSR) with focusing of single-stage discrete V-shaped multifrequency signals and a circular polarization rectenna, are presented.
Two versions of such systems are considered: one system is intended for power supply of ground-based remote regions, the second system is intended for energy supply of low-orbit small-size (LS) space vehicles (SV).
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- Gomozov A.V. Principles of construction and application of modern microwave wireless energy transmission systems [Text] / D.V. Gretskih, A.V. Gomozov, V.M. Shokalo, Sh.F.A. Al-Sammarraie, O.S. Lukavenko // Proceedings of the XIth International Conference “Modern problems of radio engineering telecommunications and computer science” (TCSET'2012) Dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Radio Department at the Lviv Politechnic National University. Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine, 21-24 February, 2012. Lviv Politechnic National University- L., 2012. – P.27-29.