адміністративний процес

Administrative Process as a Leading Field of Law in Relation to the International Legal Systems of The EU and the USA

The article is devoted to a detailed study of administrative procedure as one of the key
branches of law and its correlation with international legal systems, such as the legal systems of the
European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA). The study of these systems is
important for understanding current trends in the development of administrative law in Ukraine,
especially in the context of its integration into the European legal area and large-scale legal

Application of administrative law and the mechanism of their implementation: theory and practice

The article explores the problems of application of administrative law norms and the
mechanism of their implementation. It is noted that the process of implementation of
administrative law is inevitably accompanied by peculiar elements, in particular, such as
diagnostics, monitoring, expertise by the executive authorities. The purpose of their activities is
to fully implement the rules of administrative law. It is in such interaction between the state
and the individual in the sphere of the executive power that the effective functioning of the

The essence of administrative and delict proceedings in the system administrative and processual law of Ukraine

The article deals with the scientific views on the essence of administrative and
procedural rules in the system of administrative-procedural law of Ukraine from the point of
view of modern administrative procedural law in the context of adapting national legislation to
the requirements of the European Union. The analysis of cases of administrative offenses was
analyzed, since they have a dual procedural legal nature, and they are executed by the court in
the form of administrative procedure and administrative bodies - in the form of administrative

Окремі питання поділу адміністративного процесу та визначення місця виконавчого процесу

У статті розглянуто питання поділу адміністративного процесу на конфліктний та
неконфліктний. Крім того, визначено місце виконавчого процесу. Доведено, що
виконавчий процес сам по собі не є конфліктним, але в результаті його здійснення
можуть виникати конфлікти і таким чином він може бути конфліктним. Запропоновано
визначити виконавчий процес, як такий, що має подвійну спрямованість.

The accuracy of administrative process interpretation by the disputed of legal nature

In the article disputed nature of administrative process is investigational through the prism of analysis of legal relationships of administrative justice and administrative responsibility. Normative regulation and theoretical interpretations of category are analysed “administrative process”.