алгоритм роботи

The use of cellular automata in modeling the processes of wood drying in a stack

In this work, we investigated the possibilities of using a model of cellular automata in solving the problem of heat and moisture transfer in a periodic wood drying chamber. Thus, in this work are investigating the processes of heat and moisture transfer between the wood and its drying agent. Studies are carried out by using CAD model of stack of dried wood. To use cellular automata, it is proposed to present the CAD model as an array of cubes, each of which has six faces (cells).

Using CAPTCHA technology: pros and cons. Ways to secure from spam-bots attacks.

This paper is devoted to CAPTCHA technology. Algorithms of creation and work of captcha are described. The scheme of how captcha works is also included. The means of encoding and ‘complication’ of decoded text are described. The main ways of automatic captcha’s recognition are described. Also, it is given in examples options of CAPTCHA’s tests. The programing means that do not require user’s actions are considered. By the way, pros and cons of testing captcha are analyzed. In addition, the main problems that may occur during developing captcha are analyzed.

Algorithmic Software of a Television Scanning Optical Microscope Work in the Study of Dynamic Microobjects

The questions concerning algorithmic software of the work of a television scanning optical microscope (TSOM) during research and determination of various parameters and characteristics of single and group dynamic microobjects (MO) having different sizes and shapes are highlighted. The block diagrams of the corresponding algorithms of the microscope operation are given, which provide the versatility and high accuracy of measurements.