
An Insightful Approach to Understanding the Mechanism of Amino Acid Adsorption on Inorganic Surfaces: Glycine on Silica

The adsorption of glycine on amorphous silica surface has been studied to demonstrate the catalytic activity of silica surfaces towards the formation of peptide bonds on prebiotic earth. Silica nanoparticles were synthesized using a microwave assisted method and the nanoparticles were characterized using SEM. Glycine was adsorbed from aqueous solution on the nanoparticles and the adsorption behavior was characterized using FTIR and TGA analyses. At a glycine concentration of 0.5M and at pH=7, favorable adsorption was observed which obeyed the Langmuir isotherm model.

Influence of Amino Acids and Alcohols on Catalytic Oxidation of Cyclohexane

Conducted experiments and collected data show that use of catalytic systems that contain individual amino acids and industrial catalyst – solution of cobalt naphtenate with cyclohexanone – have certain influence on the process of liquid-phase homogeneous oxidation of cyclohexane. The results of spectral studies of binary catalytic systems based on NC using additives of different nature (alcohols and nitrogen-containing modifiers) allow us to propose structural formulas of catalytic complexes.

Computer prediction and verification of antioxidative activity of exo-functionalized derivatives of 9,10-antraquinone.

A computer-aided prediction of the pharmacological activity of a number of exo-functionalized derivatives of 9,10-anthraquinone with amino acid and thiazole fragments for the search of compounds with antioxidant effect using the program PASS of the web resource Way2Drug was carried out. The obtained results were analyzed for the probability of the mechanism of antioxidant action as a radical scavenger, antihypoxic, oxygen scavenger, radical formation agonist and catalase stimulator.

Гуанідинові похідні n-[(9,10-антрахінон-1- іл)карбомотіоїл]бензаміду

New guanidine derivatives were obtained by reaction of N-((9,10-dioxo-9,10-dihydroanthracen-1-yl)carbamothioyl)benzamide with order of amino acids in the presence of mercuric (ІІ) chloride. A computer screening by program PASS, which showed promising areas of experimental studies of the synthesized compounds, was carried. 

Вплив амінокислот на процес окиснення циклогексану

Розглянуто гомогенно-каталітичне рідиннофазне окиснення циклогексану в
присутності амінокислот різної будови. Проаналізовано вплив амінокислот на
показники процесу окиснення циклогексану. Визначено, що використання амінокислот
у складі каталітичної системи зменшує швидкість окиснення і збільшує селективність
за цільовими продуктами. Ефективність дії амінокислот у процесі гомогенно-
каталітичного окиснення циклогексану залежить від їх будови: збільшення довжини і