balanced scorecard

Features of economic evaluation machine-building enterprise in their development

The aim of the research is to develop the basic economic evaluation concepts of machine-
building enterprises in their development, which is formulated to achieve three objectives: to
examine existing approaches to economic evaluation of the various machine-building
enterprises components; to identify key groups of indicators for each of the assessment; to
compose the selection process of individual indicators and mechanism of structure changes in
the enterprise development.

Formalized description of the business model as a basis for an effective system of targeted business management

To improve the effectiveness of the company is necessary as horizontal structuring of production activity (technology) and the structuring of functional management activities (function control). It is realized in the context of building a process model of the enterprise, which today widespread.

Organizational innovation in managing a modern higher education institution

In the modern university decision-making processes are becoming more complex. Higher education institution functions as an enterprise, it should be remembered that efficient operation of such an institution depends on its effectiveness.

The article presents examples of implementation of selected management methods, which are organizational innovation in higher education: quality management system according to ISO 9001, Balanced Scorecard, Navigator.