
Дослідження процесів біодеградації целюлозовмісних композитів у едафотопах рекреаційно-паркової зони м. Львова

 The biodegradation of cellulose composite in different edaphic conditions is researched. The research is conducted on a sample of biodegradable composite material on the bases of polypropylene filled with cellulose. Досліджено біодеструкцію целюлозовмісного композиту в різних едафічних умовах. Дослідження здійснено на зразку біодеградабельного композитного матеріалу на основі поліпропілену, наповненого целюлозою.

Antimicrobial Packaging Materials from Poly(Lactic Acid) Incorporated with Pectin-Nisaplin® Microparticles

The thermostability of nisin and Nisaplin® was investigated in the presence and absence of pectin. By mixing with pectin, both nisin and Nisaplin® were able to inhibit microbial growth, even after heating to 433 K. In contrast, without pectin, the nisin was totally inactivated after heat treatment. Nisin and pectin in solution were complexed, as shown by atomic force microscopic analysis. Probably, the complex formation between the polysaccharide and the polypeptide improves the nisin thermostability; however, a detailed mechanism remains to be resolved.