carbon mass

Modification of the Electrode Pitch Operational Properties

In this work, the influence of the carbon modifier type and its amount on the processes of carbonization of the electrode pitch and carbon masses for carbon production was investigated experimentally. The paper presents the processes that occur during the carbonization of the electrode pitch and the change in its properties during the modification process. It is shown that the most promising additive is a medium-boiling polymer mixture, which contributes to the carbonization of pitch and improves the physico-chemical properties.

Research of polymeric additive influence of organic composition on thermochemical conversion of carbon masses

Influence of polymeric addition is explored on properties of carbon the masses of itself calcinating electrodes in the process of their carbonation. It is exposed that polymeric addition intensifies co-operation of carbon filler with an electrode pitch – connective, that is high-quality represented on descriptions thermographic of laboratory masses. The mechanism of co-operation of components of carbon mass is formulated with a modifier.